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Intent to Tabulate Early

Notice is hereby given that the Pierce County Board of Elections & Registration intends to tabulate absentee ballots early for the May 21, 2024, General/ Primary Election, 2022, at the Pierce County Courthouse Annex, 312 Nichols Street, Suite 2 Blackshear,...

Public Notice

The county will have a called meeting on 04/22/24 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss Recreation Dept. Personnel Policy. The location will be the NFC Building at 705 College Ave. DONNA GOLDING PIERCE COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS County...

Public Notice

The Pierce County Board of Elections & Registration will hold a Risk Limit Audit, March 20, starting at 9:00 a.m. until it’s completed. MATT GARDNERPIERCE COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONSRegistrar/Elections...

Public Notice

The Pierce County Board of Elections & Registration will hold a regular meeting, onWednesday, January 24 at 9:00 the Pierce County Courthouse Annex, 312 Nicholas Street, Blackshear. MATT GARDNERPIERCE COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONSRegistrar/Elections...

Public Notice

The Pierce County Board of Elections & Registration will hold a called meeting, onMonday, November 20, 2023, at 3:00 the Pierce County Courthouse Annex, 312 Nicholas Street, Blackshear. LEAH RITCHPIERCE COUNTY BOARD OF...